Best of 2009
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A Serious Man, A Single Man, A. O. Scott, Adventureland, Avatar, Bright Star, Funny People, Gomorrah, Goodbye Solo, In the Loop, Me and Orson Wells, Michael Phillips' Picks, Of Time and the City, Precious, Sugar, Summer Hours, The Hurt Locker, Up, Up in the Air, Where the Wild Things Are
Michael Phillips’ Picks –
10. Me and Orson Wells
9. In the Loop
8. Sugar
7. A Single Man
6. Adventureland
5. A Serious Man
4. The Hurt Locker
3. Of Time and the City
2. Where the Wild Things Are
1. Up
A. O. Scott’s Picks –
10. Goodbye Solo
9. Avatar
8. Funny People
7. Precious
6. Gomorrah
5. Bright Star
4. Up in the Air
3. Summer Hours
2. The Hurt Locker
1. Where the Wild Things Are
Michael Phillips’ Picks –
10. Me and Orson Wells
9. In the Loop
8. Sugar
7. A Single Man
6. Adventureland
5. A Serious Man
4. The Hurt Locker
3. Of Time and the City
2. Where the Wild Things Are
1. Up
A. O. Scott’s Picks –
10. Goodbye Solo
9. Avatar
8. Funny People
7. Precious
6. Gomorrah
5. Bright Star
4. Up in the Air
3. Summer Hours
2. The Hurt Locker
1. Where the Wild Things Are
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