10 thoughts on “Pure Country, Frozen Assets, Hugh Hefner: Once Upon a Time, Consenting Adults, Reservoir Dogs, 1992

  • Hilarious trashing of Frozen Assets, which was an easy choice for Gene for worst movie of 1992!

  • In Roger Ebert’s documentary, Life Itself, we find out that Gene had spent some time in Hugh Hefner’s mansion. But when we listen to Gene’s review of the Hugh Hefner documentary, in this show, we hear nothing about his friendship with Hefner. Hmm!

    • I think he was trying to be objective that’s probably why he chose Star 80 as the video pick of the week. Hefner hated the film and how it portrayed him as being partially responsible for Dorothy Stratten’s death.

  • “Be-cause. Hicks like us. Also have problems. With impotence. And sterility. And sexual performance. We’re just like you”.

    Definitely an Oscar-worthy line delivery (!).

  • Here’s my short opinion about “Reservoir Dogs:”

    What great acting, a lot of shots stay still for a minute and they look great. The dialogue is very interesting to listen to. The acting is great especially when the characters often have to scream and raise their voice. The film is reasonably short, but for what it has to offer it’s about right, even though there could have been a few more minutes. The cruelty intrigued me, and you can feel the pain.

    Not one of his best, but it’s very good.


    • Great take, Matthew!! It’s a TERRIFIC film. I usually agreed with Roger, but when he was wrong, boy oh boy he was wrooooong (e.g. “Blue Velvet”, “Clockwork Orange”, “Fight Club”).

    • Pulp Fiction is one of my favorite movies of all time but I never got into Reservoir Dogs. It had its moments but I thought it was dry as a bone…plus the cops didn’t even seem authentic in the movie.

  • I hope Roger got that stuff he wanted in the afterlife after Gene welcomed him to it.

  • Pingback: The Disney Years – 1992 – Siskel and Ebert Movie Reviews

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