4 thoughts on “The Secret of ‘Star Wars’ (with promos), 1983

  • This is perhaps the best Star Wars coverage they have ever done in the show’s history. When they reviewed Star Wars in their 1980 special on science fiction films, they mainly focused on it’s special effects and action set pieces. This time, they not only focused on those, but also the mythology behind the series. My only disappointment is that they didn’t mention the samurai influence, particularly Kurosawa films. But that’s only one beef I have with this episode.

  • And let’s not forget the STORY element and how everyone can identify with it! Obviously Lucas cared more about story than special effects, even in the flawed prequel trilogy.

    I guess everyone turned stupid except for John Simon! What a crochety a**hole!

    • Not only did I think Lucas cared about the story, but I think so did his participants, from special effects artists, to the directors of the other sequels in the original trilogy, even George’s ex-wife Marcia, who co-edited A New Hope.

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