6 thoughts on “My Father the Hero, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Romeo Is Bleeding, Gunmen, Tombstone, 1994

  • Awesome, go great to see the review of Tombstone. Had never seen this ep. Pleased they liked it. My mom was CRAZY about this film and about Val Kilmer’s performance. It will always make me think of her, who passed away in 2015.

    • They caught up to it because people were praising Val Kilmer’s performance. Otherwise they would’ve just let it slip through the cracks. That happened a few times over the years.

  • Really funny to hear Gene skewer Ace Ventura so much and warn people off the movie, along with reserving a spot for it on his Worst of 1994 list! Well it didn’t happen! Might have something to do with two additional Carrey movies released that same year that Gene gave thumbs up to! Or it might have something to do with at least a dozen more bottom-of-the-barrel comedies getting released afterwards, most notably North.

    Of course, the movie was a smash hit and gave movie stardom to Carrey. I didn’t like this movie myself, but I understood what it was trying to do and I did laugh a few times. It can’t be as bad North, Clifford, Exit to Eden, Milk Money, Cops and Robbersons, and so much else in 1994! it was a horrible year for comedies!

  • I can’t believe Gene didn’t at least give Tombstone a marginal thumbs up.

  • Pingback: The Disney Years – 1994 – Siskel and Ebert Movie Reviews

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