15 thoughts on “Maverick, Trading Mom, The Return of Jafar, Widow’s Peak, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, 1994

  • Kinda funny that they trashed Trading Mom, only to have an even worse movie about kids shopping for new parents released 8 weeks later. I guess that hasn’t been the subject of a major studio release ever since. And the end result of this is embarrassing low points of the careers of Sissy Spacek, Bruce Willis, and Rob Reiner.

    • Well, it was just a coincidence with North coming out later that summer. Funny thing: The day I saw that show, my dad had passed away from cancer that morning at 50, so I could understand what Roger meant by this premise being flawed.

  • Here’s something interesting concerning the Aladdin video sequel. Roger mentions The Lion King that would be coming out soon. Little did we know that that film would outgross Aladdin’s ass.

  • We do see the blue genie in one clip there giving Iago a shower, but no dialogue from him.

  • I think the daughter in Trading Mom is the same girl from My Girl-Anna Chumsky, or however you spell it.

  • I just saw Trading Mom recently. What caught my attention was Andre The Giant was in it. I had no idea he was still doing movies at that time. He was in really bad shape, he couldn’t even stand, he was sitting down most of the movie. He died in January 93 and this was released in spring of 94 so he probably died before or shortly after they even wrapped.

    • He died I guess after shooting his scenes. Was the film dedicated to him?

  • I was right about that being Anna Clumsky (whatever) from My Girl. I was going to reply to that person, then realized it was myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

    • It happened to me the other day too. I agreed with someone else’s comment then realized I was agreeing with myself. The answer is no. There is no dedication or mention of his death. They did him a favor. It really is a terrible movie.

  • It still bothers me that James Garner didn’t play Bret Maverick in that movie. Mel Gibson should have been Bret Maverick’s grandson or something.

    • Umm, no way in hell because Mel Gibson was a superstar at this point and Warner Bros. wanted to capitalize since he was a on a hot streak with the studio and also Richard Donner wanted to work with him again doing something other than the Lethal Weapon films and also Gibson’s company, Icon Productions was the ones that produced it which meant that Gibson hiring Donner to direct was a logical choice.

      I thought Garner was perfect in his role. The one role that might have needed a little more was definitely Jodie Foster’s. I liked her in the film alot which is one of her rare likeable roles, but I still picture Meg Ryan (who was the original choice) in the movie really playing off Gibson and Garner with alot more fun.

      • Yeah he still would have been the star of the movie obviously. I’m not saying give him a supporting role, just a different character.

  • Pingback: The Disney Years – 1994 – Siskel and Ebert Movie Reviews

  • So ironic that I just watched this episode, then went on Facebook and found out Richard Donner, who directed Maverick, just died.

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