3 thoughts on “The Hunt for Red October, Too Beautiful for You, House Party, Courage Mountain, Rosalie Goes Shopping, 1990

  • Hunt for Red October is a classic film, makes my top 20 for 1990. But I have to agree with Rog about the outside shots of the subs, it looks pretty bad at times.

    Love House Party…. love all the those Kid N’ Play films…. well, that would be House Party 1,2,3 and Class Act and that was it. Feel-good comedies with a party vibe…. nothing wrong with that.

    Now I’m a huge Charlie Sheen fan…. especially 90’s Sheen. But even I have never seen Courage Mountain. I actually didn’t know it existed till I saw this vid for the first time on the old site.

  • Pingback: The Disney Years – 1990 – Siskel and Ebert Movie Reviews

  • I agree totally about the Kid ‘n Play films, especially the first one with the great Robin Harris and the ever-gorgeous Tisha Campbell. These were fun films that presented a positive image of black people to a large, mixed audience, something tragically rare at the time. As a white kid (back then) open to seeing a culture where blacks weren’t just drug addicts and killers (or impossibly perfect Cosby kids, either), these films (and Spike’s films) were my ticket to a wider, more complex and interesting world. I miss Kid ‘n Play.

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