9 thoughts on “Apocalypse Now, 10, Starting Over, When a Stranger Calls, 1979

  • Ah yes, possibly their biggest disagreement they ever had on television.

  • Full Metal Jacket was a big one too….. and of course the infamous Cop and a Half debacle.

      • Gene’s criticism of that movie made no sense. American accents in a movie based on a book, which was based in Welsh mythology? Gene is a weird reviewer sometimes.

  • Their blue velvet discussion was pretty intense also. They also talked about their disagreements about that film on late-night talk shows.

  • It’s weird back in the “old” days how they divulged ahead of time that they disagreed with a movie.

  • Too bad they previewed their disagreements at the time. If they had their show preparation from their later years (where they didn’t even look at each other’s review), they would’ve been in near fisticuffs over Apocalypse Now.

    Blue Velvet, Full Metal Jacket, and Scarface were their other most noteworthy disagreements. The critic that liked each of those movies put it on their Best of the Year list. But Apocalypse Now has to be their biggest since Roger picked it as Best movie of 1979.

    Bo Derek was certainly a hottie. Too bad her career went nowhere after 10. Blame that on her hubby.

    When a Stranger Calls is the first of the “hate women” movies they did on their 1980 special. It also looks like just another Halloween ripoff.

  • Pingback: Sneak Previews – 1979 – Siskel and Ebert Movie Reviews

  • Pity Siskel wasn’t alive in the year 2000 to see the Redux version. If he did, he would’ve recommended it.

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